Vaginal Rejuvenation: Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, Labia Majora Augmentation with Fat Injections
This woman was displeased her deflated labia majora - a common problem at low body fat levels. She also requested vaginal tightening for laxity which developed after childbirth. I designed the operation to make full use of the vaginoplasty to tighten the muscles and skin of the labia majora and create a firm platform for the fat injections. Fat was harvested from the back of the inner thighs using a Brazilian liposculpture technique that leaves no visible traces.
Vaginal Rejuvenation: Vaginoplasty, Pelvic Floor Reconstruction, Muscle Tightening, Hernia Repair
Age 40 mom with gaping vagina, absence of posterior labia minora, and perineum consisting of only wrinkled loose skin needed The Works. A hernia of the rectal wall was literally pushing her vagina apart. I repaired the hernia, tightened all of the pelvic floor muscles, then brought the muscles under that labia majora together in the center (Labial Tuck).
Labiaplasty: Labia Minora Reduction, Bilateral, Contoured Modified Linear
This young lady was bothered by the protrusion of her labia into the thigh gap and bulging with underwear and bathing suits. I designed a beveled modified linear excision that dove-tailed with a clitoral hood contouring. The technique eliminates the two-tone appearance of less evolved linear excisions and wedge resections.
Labiaplasty: Labia Majoraplasty, Labia Majora Reduction, Unilateral, Left Vulvar Cyst, Hydrocele
After leaving no less the five pediatric specialists scratching their heads, this 17-year-old was brought to my office by her mom with a gradually enlarging painless bulge. Rare in females, but completely benign, this is a distant cousin of inguinal hernias known as a hydrocele or a cyst of the Canal of Nuck. I managed her with a laparoscopic hernia repair through the navel and a complete excision of the cyst through the left labium majus including cosmetic majoraplasty. The challenge in this case was in dissecting the cyst away from the nerves of the clitoris. I used a specialized anesthetic block with a liquid tourniquet to conduct a precise, nerve-sparing and bloodless dissection. Every nurse in the recovery room was amazed – they had never seen a teenager awaken from that type of surgery with absolutely no pain. The aesthetic results speak for themselves. She was back to school in under a week.
Labiaplasty: Clitoral Hood Reduction, Bilateral Labia Minora Reduction, Beveled Modified Linear
This young woman was referred by her gynecologist for reduction of the prepuce. A large clitoral hood with excess skin bilaterally along with enlarged labia minora demands a complex aesthetic solution to achieve a cosmetic result. I’ve designed a highly refined fusion of the best elements of several techniques to give a reliable result with flow along the natural creases. It never looks fake, “chopped off”, or incomplete.
Labiaplasty: Clitoral Hood Reconstruction, Circumferential Labia Minora U-plasty Reduction
A large clitoral cyst, protruding labia minora, and excess labial tissue in the center posteriorly prompted this woman to seek a cosmetic solution. A meticulous clitoral cystectomy along a natural skin crease left no visible scar and avoided nerve injury. The labia minora and central loose skin were reshaped with a unique U-plasty single-stage reduction that I've designed specifically for this situation. Smooth, natural contours are consistent with this approach.
Labiaplasty: Labia Minora Reduction, Bilateral, and Clitoral Hood Reduction, Right Sided, Contoured
This woman was bothered by the thick and distorted appearance of her clitoral hood and by the protrusion and darkness of her labia minora into the thigh gap. I designed a beveled modified linear excision that connected beautifully with a right-sided clitoral hood contouring that looks completely natural and leaves no trace of surgery. She was extremely pleased.
Labiaplasty: Labia Minora Reduction, Bilateral, and Clitoral Hood Reduction, Bilateral, Thigh Gap
This young lady was bothered by the protrusion of her labia into the thigh gap and bulging with underwear and bathing suits. I designed a beveled modified linear excision blended with a clitoral hood contouring. The technique eliminates the two-tone appearance of less evolved linear excisions and wedge resections and leaves no obvious trace of surgery.
Labiaplasty: Extensive Labia Minora Reduction, Correction of Severe Asymmetry, Hood Reduction
Large, protruding, distorted and extremely asymmetric labia minora prompted this woman to seek out an expert cosmetic solution. After careful planning and meticulous technique, the labia minora and loose skin were reshaped with a special beveled linear excision and reconstruction that I've designed specifically for these situations. The procedure is finished with a bilateral conservative clitoral hood reduction.
Labiaplasty: Labia Minora Reduction, Clitoral Hood Reduction, Contoured for Full Length Protrusion
This woman was unhappy with the protrusion of loose skin from front to back at the labial cleft. Her dramatic improvement was the result of a full length superficial bilateral clitoral hood reduction and a contoured beveled linear labia minora reduction. This type of work requires a deep understanding of anatomy to protect the delicate clitoral structures.
Labiaplasty: Labia Minora Reduction, Frenulum Reduction, Perineal Skin Reduction, Menopause
This perimenopausal woman was bothered by her large darkened labia. The frenulum is the part of the labia minora that connects to the head of the clitoris and hers was large and asymmetrical. Reshaping this area was critical to obtaining an excellent result. Also, the skin of the perineum was also loose and enlarged and required special attention. An additional challenge in women at or near the menopause is the loss of skin elasticity. This requires a nuanced approach to avoid unwanted tightness in the wrong places.
Hymenoplasty: Reconstruction of Torn Hymen
A hymenoplasty repair is performed by carefully dissecting and suturing the delicate skin remnants to reduce the size of the vaginal opening to less than 1 centimeter in diameter. A q-tip in the vagina shows how small the opening appears immediately after the procedure.