We offer a variety of options to suit your budget and your circumstances.
If you don't need assistance in this area
We accept cash, credit cards, and bank checks for most cosmetic services.
If you need help, but don't want to borrow money:
We offer layaway plans. A layaway plan means that you pay for your procedure as a series of deposits. When you're all paid up, your procedure is performed. It's interest-free and you decide how much and how often to make deposits. This is a simple and very popular option.
If you need help and want to borrow money on your own:
Contact a bank or a credit union. If you qualify for a loan, they will quote you an interest rate, a term, and a monthly payment. This is an excellent option for many people.
If you need help and want to borrow money from our lenders:
We offer cosmetic financing via CareCredit. Visit their website and use their online Loan Calculator Tool to see what the monthly payment would be with different downpayments.
If you don't need assistance in this area
We accept cash, credit cards, and bank checks for most cosmetic services.
If you need help, but don't want to borrow money:
We offer layaway plans. A layaway plan means that you pay for your procedure as a series of deposits. When you're all paid up, your procedure is performed. It's interest-free and you decide how much and how often to make deposits. This is a simple and very popular option.
If you need help and want to borrow money on your own:
Contact a bank or a credit union. If you qualify for a loan, they will quote you an interest rate, a term, and a monthly payment. This is an excellent option for many people.
If you need help and want to borrow money from our lenders:
We offer cosmetic financing via CareCredit. Visit their website and use their online Loan Calculator Tool to see what the monthly payment would be with different downpayments.
Be aware that medical healthcare insurance does not cover cosmetic services.