Labiaplasty is for the Labia Majora, the Labia Minora, and the Clitoral Hood
Treatments are available to reshape the labia majora, the labia minora and the clitoral hood. Some requests are purely cosmetic, others are for pain and irritation with sex, horseback riding, other sports and tight clothing.
Symmetry, balance and comfort are the most common reasons why women request labiaplasty.
Sometimes the color of the edges of the labia minora are much darker than the surrounding skin. Sometimes the labia majora have become deflated from weight loss or aging or they sag after massive weight loss. It is not uncommon for women to experience damage to the labia during childbirth or from surgery or disease.
Labia Minora Procedures
Labiaplasty for Cosmetic Reasons
These procedures may involve one side or both sides. They may also involve the clitoral hood. They may sometimes involve the skin between the vagina and the anus - an area known as the perineum. Common reasons why women request this type of surgery are to improve symmetry, to reduce bulging in certain clothes, to display less darkened skin, or to achieve less protrusion of the labia when nude.
Labiaplasty for Discomfort Issues
Enlarged labia may cause chronic discomfort from traction or pulling pain during normal activities, sports or sexual relations. Currently, medical healthcare insurance plans do not cover these procedures and they regard all such procedures as purely cosmetic in nature. However, we offer payment plans and financing for those who wish take advantage of them.
Labiaplasty for Reconstruction
These procedures are focused on fixing labia that have been damaged as a result of childbirth, trauma, previous botched labiaplasty or other reasons. The goal is to achieve a normal appearance and to relieve symptoms arising as a result of damaged tissue. Typically, these procedures involve minimal resection of tissue.
Clitoral Hood Procedures
The clitoral hood is also called the prepuce. Clitoral hood reshaping by reduction addresses the excess folds of skin sometimes found alongside the clitoral hood. It is often performed along with labiaplasty for reduction of the labia minora because these two structures are functionally and aesthetically connected.
Clitoral Hood Contouring
Removing excess skin from the sides of the clitoral hood is an expert level procedure. Sometimes it's one sided and other times it's bilateral. This procedure goes by various other names including Clitoral Hood Reduction, Hoodectomy, and Hoodoplasty, but they all mean the same thing. We use delicate techniques that remove only the superficial skin and don't endanger the sensitive nerves in the area.
This video from a lecture by Dr Pelosi to a group of gynecologists, urologists and plastic surgeons at a major conference. It shows the important details of labiaplasty and clitoral hood contouring and many variations in anatomy.
Some of the key anatomy involved in the design of labiaplasty procedures is shown above. Each case is unique and a tailored approach is essential to achieving the best possible results..
Some of the design considerations in labiaplasty and clitoral hood contouring are shown above. Frequently, components of these techniques are combined, modified and tailored to the individual anatomy. No two cases are exactly alike.
Labia Majora Augmentation
Improve the contours of deflated labia majora with small volume Lipo fat injections to give a tighter, more youthful appearance or camouflage the labia minora. If you desire, the procedure can be combined with body contouring or breast aesthetic procedures...READ MORE >
Labia Majora Reduction
The excision of excess skin and fat from the labia majora is sometimes called reduction labia majoraplasty. This treatment for loose, redundant skin & fat of the outer vaginal labia is an excellent option for those who have lost significant weight or are displeased with overly wrinkled skin. It is sometimes combined with a mons pubis lift or a tummy tuck to generate additional tightening anteriorly.
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